One lamp, Endless Inspiration..

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Inspire everyone.

It feels awesome to make a small change that makes a big difference!

I really like that you get so much more intimacy with the artists you’ve chosen. You can really have a relationship with the art. It’s like your own personal museum that can live on your night stand next to your bed.


I personally got really stoked about this medium because I not only love creating new illustration for print but collecting troves from artists I love. It gets to the point where I have these great prints but too lazy to find the right frame…So seeing this medium where switching out new designs is super easy and the frame is now this gorgeous lit up box, I fell in love with the concept.


Lately, feeling well at home has become something very important in my life, I’m paying more attention to what I put inside my house, choosing well what kind of objects make me feel well and at peace. Lamps are the principal element to create that feeling. 


I’m fascinated by how my art interacts with the light, especially watching how abstract forms and textures start to change with the different opacity and temperatures of the lamps light.


It excites me that my design takes on a new use in space, that it’s illuminated, and that it becomes an item that’s part of the environment rather than separate from it.

I had never worked with light before, creating something illuminated was incredibly exciting. The way the light enhances my work is special as it’s suddenly visible even when it’s dark around it. 


One Lamp, Endless Inspiration.
The Street Lamp has a unique advantage over traditional printing, I can display my art on a light that’s not another screen. The lamp’s sleek design perfectly complements the digital nature of my art, creating a cohesive and contemporary look. while letting me experiment with different lighting modes.


It is important for me that my works could become part of people’s everyday lives. I personally adore aesthetic interiors, creative details in the houses and I believe that the ethics of our actions grows out of the aesthetics of everyday life. 


I love the idea of being like a double-sided illuminated canvas. It reminds me of vintage light-up signs! Working on this is an exciting challenge, as I usually work on walls. It definitely puts the artwork in the spotlight. 


A lamp allows light to be exuded through the artwork, which to me, gives a feeling that something beyond its colors and shapes, can be conveyed.


Earlier this year I had these pieces in a gallery show and as they were on the wall I thought these would look even better if the light in the scene could be illuminated from behind. Lo and behold these pieces finally found they light I had been searching for with the Street Lamp.


Using light is like using the background color. It’s like the white of the paper or the wood’s color, through which you can feel the empty space that adds depth to the drawing or painting. 
